9-1-19 my house

Ladies and gentlemen I give you easily a top 3 if not the best chili out there (Revival…Manny’s).

Yes I made this and it is pretty much my same recipe I usually do, although I never measure anything. Give credit to my wife for the incredible homemade croutons. First off, my chili has a tomato base, usually ground beef but I’ll throw in some pork from time to time. Tomato sauce, paste, some type of crushed/dice tomato, chicken or beef stock, onion and garlic, a can of beans then a lot of chili powder, smoked paprika, ancho chili powder, smoked cayenne, chipotle pepper, little cumin and from time to time some other spices I’ll try from random shopping trips.

I’d say I go for a smoky note but until I actually smoke the meat used in it I won’t get to where I want to go. Overall I think mine is pretty solid.

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